
Cisco packet tracer example
Cisco packet tracer example

cisco packet tracer example

Los comandos a utilizar son los siguientes:

cisco packet tracer example

Como opcional también podemos excluir ciertas direcciones IP para reservarlas o simplemente porque no las queremos usar y también podemos configurar un servicio DNS en donde colocaremos una dirección que nosotros deseemos, cabe repetir de que estas dos últimas configuraciones son opcionales ya que el servicio de DHCP puede funcionar perfectamente bien sin estas. Paso 3: Para la configuración del DHCP se debe de tomar en cuenta cual es la dirección de red que queremos proporcionar, cual es la Subnet Mask y cuál es la Gateway de la red. It should also be mentioned that the address that was put in the DNS service is like a demonstrative purpose. Note that for the Default Gateway we will use the loopback address 1, we could also have put any address of the physical interfaces of the router R1 but for ease we will place in default-router As optional we can also exclude certain IP addresses to reserve them or simply because we do not want to use them and we can also configure a DNS service where we will place an address that we want, it is worth repeating that these last two configurations are optional since the DHCP service can Work perfectly well without these. Step 3: To configure the DHCP you must know which network address we want to provide, which is the Subnet Mask and which is the Default Gateway on the network.

Cisco packet tracer example